The Lazy Hair Growth System

5 min readDec 7, 2021

My Easy Must-Have Routine Step-By-Step: Recipes and How-To

After being natural off-and-on for 17 years…After watching YouTubers achieve their hair goals during the last decade…I decided something key was missing from my hair growth explosion…and I finally found it!

Essential oil bottles are empty at the moment. These may house our Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil for explosive Growth
Hair Care Oil Pre-sale Coming SOON!

One Year.

What did your hair look like last year on this day? I know you got pics. Scroll through them, but reminisce with a purpose. Concentrate on just your hair: it’s length, it’s shine. Do you want to see something different from it?

Take a good hard look at your routine. How often you style it? Do you use combs? How often your thirsty dry hair sees water…

Now — and this is the most important part: Forgive Yourself of your (hair) Sins. I have. I knew not what I was doing when I dyed my hair on a whim blonde-ish.

Testimonial of Nina Fernandez her hair is blonde, unhealthy, stripped away, lackluster and needs major help in replenishing.

Or cut it too often cuz a YouTuber told me trimming often helps my hair grow.

Testimonial of Nina Fernandez Seed&Legacy CEO/Founder: her hair is dry, unhealthy, short, lackluster and needs major help in replenishing.

Once you’ve taken a deep breath, and prayed to whomever you spirit with — let’s get down to a simple, easy solution that takes nothing but your patience.

But What About Styling? Can I at least style my hair throughout the year?

Styles are necessary. They’re cute and versatile expressions of how we as women feel. They go with our clothes, our purses, with our boyfriends. But, they do not do anything for our hair growth.

Style will come in time. This is about growth and health. Take one year to dedicate to you! Promise yourself that you will take this next year to change the life and health of your hair forever.

Weekly Wash: Your Hair Needs Water Ladies

Every two or three days, during my regular shower, I dip my hair in running water.


That’s right! Women of all colors, races, nationalities, creeds, and ethnicities wet and wash their hair consistently. Tons of black women hide their hair under wigs, in weaves, in braids and they never put water to it to save their lives.

The main part of the Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil System only works if you wet your hair first and SEAL it with the oil. Doing this is THE main principle within the system. Without this crucial part, everything else becomes a moot point — and doesn’t end up mattering at all.

After I wash with Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-One all purpose soap, condition with a little Shea Moisture, I seal in all that love with a finger-massage and my Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil. The activated hair oil seals in the moisture, and provides the stimulating nutrients necessary for me to see results!

2–3 Months Maintenance: 15-minute Protein Treatment

Featuring Our Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil.

After you wash your hair, massaging with fingertips. Wrap your braids with a towel for about 5–10minutes. I tend to do a little of my skincare routine during this time.

  • Take the towel off, and rub a little rice water onto your scalp throughout your braids. The recipe is simple: mason jar or plastic spray bottle, rice and distilled water. I change it out every 4 or so months to ensure it doesn’t turn afoul but still fortifies the water with plenty of protein.
  • After that, I split my braids down the middle and take half my hair in my hands.
  • I sprinkle a little rice water over my hair and take the hair (that I know is mine) in my hair and squeeze it in my hands so I get it all over the driest and oldest parts of my hair.
  • Right after, I take my Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil and do the exact same thing.

And you’re done!

Our Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil will be on sale soon.

Stay tuned for our Pre-Sale Sign Up Waitlist and be notified first and receive early bird discounts.

Only As Needed: One Braid At a Time

Ever heard of finger detangling? It’s my new favorite way to treat my hair with love. I bought all the wide-tooth combs when I first started seeing curly girls with long and health natural hair. Then, once I started a youtube channel I realized how much work was put it into! It takes a ton of time and energy to set-up equipment, wash, condition, style, wrap for overnight, refresh for the next day…Nope! Count me out. I have 101 things to do — and I don’t have time to dedicate to surrounding my life around my hair.

My solution. Braids, not professionally done. Washed weekly. Conditioned often and taken out and re-braided ONLY AS NEEDED!

That’s right. I did my own box braids 9 months ago and have only refreshed when the new growth got gunky. Once braid is removed I delicately, slowly and with love and deep breaths pull apart my strands to remove the dirt and buildup. Then I take the Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil to both clean reinforce with nutrients, and re-braid. Viola!

Even if you do two or three braids a night, there’s no stress for a new Monday morning dew. There’s no ripping out what in the south we call kunk-a-bunks, those balls of knotted dirt and grim at root of your hair where you new growth meets your braid.

Lovingly and gently, only as needed and a few at a time, refreshing them has changed my world. and, more importantly, allowed my hair to get healthy and and get some freakin’ moisture on it.

The key to this system: without a shadow of a doubt is the Nettle&Hemp Hair Oil Combo. And, this is why…

(Stay-tuned For Part Two of this Article!)

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Nina’s an 80’s baby the 90’s raised from NYC. A creative, this past year, her business has become strengthening the overall financial health of her community.