Scrolling Out of FOMO

4 min readSep 20, 2021

“If you’re not achieving all of your goals during the pandemic you’re doing it wrong!”

I was so anxious with the entire internet judging and making me feel so unaccomplished in my day-to-day life.

A year and a half just before the shutdown I voluntarily took time away from social media, deactivating all of my accounts to the detriment of the growth of my online businesses for the sake of sanity of my mental health. Immediately my family began to remind me how much I was missing out on the lives of others. What are doing with your days if you’re not with all of us online? — it felt like they were saying.

Anyone else have your entire family suddenly scold you because you weren’t on your phone at the table?

Smart phone with hundreds of apps and social media sites.
Phone with social media apps listed. Fear of Missing Out.

This past year hit everybody hard. And it seemed like social media was adamant at reminding each one of us to be our absolute best self at all times. It certainly did that already pre-Covid but once 2020 really set in and NBC News reported 22 million jobs were lost (114 million affected including reduction in work hours according to World Economic Forum) that gave a slew of people more time to scroll and more opportunity to develop FOMO because we weren’t living our best life during one of the scariest moments anybody alive had ever experienced — as it was happening globally and right from our phones.

With a heavy heart, I know some people very intimately who have been devastated by the past year. We all go through rough patches. This year, the entire world took a deep breath together. We slowed down and nature starting correcting itself. So if the Earth could do it — why not me?

I went to my mentors — I sat (and nervously ate) and thought (and worried) and focused (and second guessed myself) until I developed my plan of action — a system of using money I already had and aligning it with my priorities. It sounds simple but like most of us ambitious folks we seem to bite off more than we can chew — try to take on more and more things we are very capable of accomplishing, but hadn’t really given ourselves a fair chance to study, learn, and most importantly fail a little until we get it right.

I did some research and prioritized my money and goals for the year, big picture stuff. Once my budget was set, my real estate certification acquired, I had turned a corner and before I knew it I was finishing up a call with my very first investor. In 30 days from when I said I would, I was actually walking and talking like the business woman I knew I could be but just couldn’t figure out how to bring her out into the world.

It was official! I set out to connect the investor to my idea for creating generational wealth for people who needed it the most. The under-served communities not exposed to the financial concepts from school or their families, now have access to it packaged in the Legacy! Passive courses for financial empowerment include an array of income streams. The top three for Legacy are as follows: cryptocurrency, creating and systemizing digital assets, and real estate. Think of water-based systems. The first being quick, volatile — rushing rivers we like digital currency as a popular long-term investment with tons of potential for high rewards. All artists and creatives in need of a simplified roadmap to get their finances to work for them.

The second would be an inlet. Think of a bridge — steady and linking of two or more bodies of water — or in this case two or more streams of income. We like to think of digital assets. Selling your skills online — pre recorded so you don’t have to show up for it!

The third and most important body of income we love at S&L is real estate. Slow and steady — a still and deep lake is the body of water we consider to be the most stable.

The combination of these three pillars create the support structure to help supplement anybody’s income.

Any investment is a risk. But, historically speaking real estate is the surefire way to ensure generational wealth for your life and for your children’s future.

We have so many examples of how we’re going this over at Seed&Legacy. Check out these FREE financial tools for more info!

***Seed&Legacy does not provide any investment, financial, tax, legal or other professional advice. We recommend that you consult with financial and tax advisors to understand the risks and consequences of buying, selling and generally investing in any money market.***




Nina’s an 80’s baby the 90’s raised from NYC. A creative, this past year, her business has become strengthening the overall financial health of her community.