How to add 1k to your net worth in 30 Days

5 min readDec 16, 2021

What’s really a thousand dollars even these days?

Easy. As a bartender I learned to acquire very expensive taste buds. Escargot and Dom Perignon — I would take myself on little dates. I was by no means rich but I worked super hard for my little living so I made sure that I treated myself whenever I could.

Bartender pouring liquor from a jigger into a mixing glass. Mixing a drink with whiskey lined up on the bar top. There are bar tools and cool lights adorning the bar top.

In examining my expenses and the expenses of a few close friends and family members — I soon saw a pattern. Most people have their vices. Unless they are focusing specifically on saving for something, everybody had the thing that they wanted to spend their money on which made them going to work at a job they have hated every day, almost worth it.

I decided that I’d focus on the discretionary income of the people I studied. Bills and necessities were out of my realm because everyone has their needs and a different way of life that suits them. Discretionary income which was always variable and absolutely pleasure-based can be examined and tailored to allow for whatever financial change a person sought in their lives.

My personal budget looked something like this 65k a year divided by 52 weeks came out to about $1250 a week. After my necessities (rent, car, groceries, subscriptions etc) I would easily spend 225 a week on going out. By no means were my expenses lavish, and everybody handling their own finances knows exactly what they feel they need from life. The difference was nearly 20% of my paycheck would go to what made me feel good — and I had some good times. But I also knew I needed a change. I wanted different things, there’s only so much champagne one can drink that doesn’t taste better then the best one consumed. I decided to see the progress of my money first. I didn’t trust myself when it came to saving money, until I challenged myself.

Some people ask a loved one to hold it for them. I found myself opening a separate business account and having an automatic payment come out that I couldn’t touch the easiest for me. I mean not even a debit card connected at all to the account — I needed zero access to it. The first week was easy, ‘I got this, I thought — I’m a champion!’ Then an unexpected brunch came up — sure I wanted to ball out and pay for a bottle of wine for my friends, as I tended to do. I decided against it, and not one of my friends stopped and thought twice about it. Like it wasn’t a big deal that I wasn’t as generous as I normally thought I should be. We had a blast and I had my 225 in my account off to the side.

Person of color (black) girl looking at her dollar bills pouring over from her mason jar. Money underneath, money on top of, money everywhere saved from spending less and adding to your net worth.

I became a part owner in a company owning a real estate portfolio — garnering 100 shares in their coveted iPO (internet public offering) and actively earning interest dividends at 5%. After some time, I took some of the profit out and put it in altcoins. The crypto market is booming and I did a ton of research and figured I’d try my hand at some luck swings. Home run, I 10X’ed my money! Not typical for most people, but a win is a win. And I certainly would not have made that if I kept on balling out at brunch trying to prove how much I loved my friends when they already loved me.

(10Xing my money looked something like this: I took $100 and turned it into $1,000. I took some of the initial profit out plus some earnings, in this case $150 and I put it away so I didn’t lose any of my money, on the contrary I made at least 50 and am now playing around with $850 looking to 10X that!)

Piggy bank, dollars, coins, wallet, and increasing stocks, percentages and monies.

Let’s say that there are people reading this who don’t make enough to have $200 each week to put away. You’re not alone, the average person has less than $2,000 saved and have been working for at least 20 years. Most of them make federal minimum wage $7.25/hr. How in the world can they create a net worth? Easy. There is a program that step-by-step walks you through how to create an estate and why it’s so important to do so when your younger. Past the ages of 20? 25? 35? It isn’t too late, because you wont be any younger than you are today! Normally, that’s a scary thing to think about, but it works to your advantage.

Learning about paper assets, also known as the stock market, or crypto, real estate, etc can be rough. There are scammers and bad actors trying to take advantage of people and their lack of knowledge and unwillingness to spend time learning. It is easier just continuing to do my vice. It is easier not thinking about the future. I agree. But, there is nothing better than taking the time today to make yourself happy tomorrow. More money is not definite. And, not learning how to make more money will ensure that you NEVER make more money.

Luckily there are ways you can start building your net worth today. You can create an estate and add an asset to your life today! Want more information on how to step-by-step build your estate asap visit our website.

Bag of Money, dollar sign




Nina’s an 80’s baby the 90’s raised from NYC. A creative, this past year, her business has become strengthening the overall financial health of her community.