3 min readMay 12, 2021


From Bartender to Business Owner

My name is Nina and I am a deeply passionate creative. However, for the last seven years I was stuck in a cycle. Instead of making the art that was important to me, I was busy — working behind a bar. I’d convinced myself that the one or two auditions I had before the shutdown was enough to make me happy…Needless to say, the restaurant industry made me comfortable. But the truth is, I wanted more.

While slinging drinks at a job I was good at, but didn’t necessarily like, I met tons of investors who liked my personality and ability to sell so they talked to me about stock, real estate and all the things. From some of them, even the secrets behind their success — how to make their money, make money — for them.

Once restaurants closed and I lost my job, I had a ton of time to sit myself down and research just how wealthy people made their money and one concept kept resurfacing: real estate. So I got certified and started studying for the general Securities and Investments Exam — launched my business and immediately saw the results of my hard work. I took a leap of faith and launched my LLC. I am now a President/Founder, film producer and actor, entrepreneur, and real estate syndicator.

All I want to do is leave a legacy behind through my art. The best way I’ve come up with how to do that is through my business: by creating a way for people like me to learn the basic money concepts we didn’t get taught at school. My goal is to put the experts together with the under-served communities and tap into my network of mentors and investors — and open a rich and stimulating dialogue between the two.

Anyone else wish the information was just packaged properly? How hard could it be? The concepts are simple to list: compound interest, depreciation, amortization, leverage to name a few. And why not, let’s start here in this article— all the ways real estate is useful to the creative, looking to generate a passive stream of income and end their dependence at a job they hate.

Step One. Find your why.

Fill in the following blank. Financial freedom means to me ______.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Got yours?

Mine is - Financial freedom means to me: leaving behind the legacy of educating the ill-informed; getting my time back to dedicate to my loved ones and my art; and claiming all those opportunities for prosperity my ancestors were denied for centuries — the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Find your why for needing passive dividend income. Make it real. It’s the first step to keep you grounded for the work that lies ahead.

Share your ‘financial freedom fill in the blank’ here with the community of people just like you — we are all on this journey together!

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Nina’s an 80’s baby the 90’s raised from NYC. A creative, this past year, her business has become strengthening the overall financial health of her community.